
First camping trip.

This weekend Kai had his very first camping adventure. Kai and I headed north with two other families with two year old boys. The forecast when we left said that the weather would be chilly with a bit of rain on Friday and then nice for Saturday and Sunday. It was off by about 24 hours. It was rain for Friday and all of Saturday with beautiful weather to signal our departure on Sunday. Despite the miserable weather, Kai and the other little boys fared quite well. The mamas? At times not so much, but I think we did a good job of making the best of a situation. Sticky times ensued when we needed to errect tarp overhangs on Friday to protect some of the areas of the campsite from the rain and also Kai and my tent as it seemed to be on the verge of taking on some water. But, toddlers slept well, even allowing for some adult campfire time. They played well together with only intermittent acts of two year old boy violence with one another. Mostly these scuffles involved coveted toys and were easily solved. They threw many rocks into the water, they went on many walks on the campground trails through the wooded areas, they played with trucks and got very very dirty. Good times. It was definitely an experience that will help me to remember to go outside even when the weather is foul.

Naked rock throwing.

Fun times bundled up in the constant misty rain at the campsite.

On one of many exploratory walks around the campgrounds,
lake and trail.

One of several attempts to get a shot with all the boys, on the dock, looking at the camera.

When we woke up on Sunday morning, the sun was out!
The boys enjoyed playing in the lake and otherwise running amok.

Kai and friends enjoying hot cocoa.
Kai's very first experience with it...he really enjoyed it!

All warm and cleaned up from the morning lake play
watching movies in the tent and laughing like crazy.

Kai sat with Baby Micha for a bike ride that lasted just over an hour.
He reported that he took good care of him.
And also that if he had a baby, it would be a sister.


Day at the beach. Take two.

Yesterday we went to the beach with friends and had a really great time. We went to the same spot that we did last time. The kids had a fantastic time. They rolled in the sand, they ate sandy food, the played with the sand toys, they added sand to the bubble toys. It was a sandy, sandy day. There is still sand in Kai's hair, and I am not sure that it will ever wash out. Kai and and his friend, Dade, were fearless in the water. They were running into waves and Kai was putting his face in the water no problem. When it was time to go home, Kai requested several times to "stay here at the beach with friends." I love that he enjoys the beach that much. What I didn't love was the work that it took to get him to the car after we packed up. That part went a bit more smoothly with Jake along. Kai did manage to stay awake the entire way home and then asked to go to bed at about quarter after six. I obliged and then slept the rest of the night.

Despite the application of sunscreen and the reapplication of the sunscreen, Kai got a little bit of a sunburn on his back. He usually wears a rash guard but we forgot it at the cabin the last time we were there. Ugh. He requested cream on it right away this morning...after he peed on the potty! That's right, peed on the potty. This is the fourth time that he has requested to go in less than a week. I am thinking that there is the possibility of training pants in our future! Back to the sunburn, I think I am going to split open a part of our aloe plant and put that on it in a little bit. The burn is definitely not bad, but I really hope that it clears up quickly.

Did I mention that he got sandy?


An afternoon with a ton of family.

This afternoon we packed up some treats and headed over to Jake's Grandma Roxy and Grandpa Lee's house to catch up with some of Jake's family. Actually, a lot of his family. His dad has three brothers and they all have wives and kids and some of the kids have spouses and children. Many of them were there today. Kai had a great time playing with his Uncle Sam and his cousins in the grandparents' fantastic backyard. Here are some photos from the afternoon:

Kai and Sam out on the paddle boat which Kai was super
excited about.

There was some intense football playing.

Photo courtesy of Kai's budding photographer's eye.

Crazy, crazy bird house build by Jake's grandpa, I think to
attract martins.

I guess we didn't take many pictures of the family fun time action. Probably because I was busy taking pictures like this:

There were too many distracting pretty things growing that I wanted to make note of...


A comment.

I received a comment today that was not from a family member or a friend. This comment was in relation to the recent entry about Kai's bedtime routine. I have been going round and round about what, if anything. to do about the comment. You have probably assumed (rightly) by now that it was a negative comment. The commenter suggested that it is wrong for a two year old to nurse and that an adult Kai will be appalled that this was something that happened. They brought into question my nighttime parenting.

I am sure that you are probably wondering what this stranger felt they had to contribute. Well, here it is: "I am glad that you are nursing a two year old to bed and that you are so proud to admit YOUR family doesn't have a problem with it - but trust me, when your son is grown and he is told he nursed until he was over 2, HE himself will have a serious problem with it. Get over yourself and your boobs. Teach your child how to fall asleep on his own, please..... "

The way that Jake and I have chosen to parent Kai regarding sleep has no impact on the life of anyone outside of our home. If we are content with our nighttime parenting, then there is not a problem.

As far as breastfeeding Kai is concerned, I find it ridiculous to think that Kai would be emotionally or otherwise harmed by extended breastfeeding. I find it even more ridiculous to think that someone would imply that nursing Kai has to do with some sort of personal agenda; something that I subject Kai to for my own pleasure/ego/etc. However, I thought that there might be some friends and family who wonder what benefits Kai's continued nursing bring. Personally, I would like to share that Kai will fully wean at a time that he is ready. I do not wish to fully wean him prior to that time.

The American Association of Pediatrics states that breastfeeding should last for at least a year and longer as mutually desired. The World Health Organization states that breastfeeding should continue for a minimum of two years, Unicef agrees with this statement. In most areas of the world it would not be uncommon for a child Kai's age to nurse. Among Kai's peers he is not the only two and half year old who is nursing. In fact, more of the children his age that we know nurse than do not.

I am thankful for so many reasons that Kai has continued to nurse. He is at a high risk for allergies and asthma due to a strong family history of both. Nursing is protective for him in this department. Kai eats like a two year old; liked foods are hit and miss and constantly changing. Nursing allows me to relax about what his intake is because I know that he is receiving nearly half of his protein requirements, a quarter of his caloric intake, plus a substantial amounts of fat and vitamins. Kai is rarely sick and recovers quickly when he is ill. Nursing him through illness provides him with antibodies, nutrition and hydration in a form that is gentle to his ailing system. Nursing gives me peace of mind. Nursing gives Kai a healthy connection to me as his mother. It allows us time to reconnect during busy days. Nursing gives me reason to slow down and enjoy my child.

I would like to share the following article written by Dr. Jack Newman:

Breastfeed a Toddler - Why on Earth?
Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC

Because more and more women are now breastfeeding their babies, more and more are also finding that they enjoy breastfeeding enough to want to continue longer than the usual few months they initially thought they would do it. UNICEF has long encouraged breastfeeding for two years and longer, and the American Academy of Pediatrics is now on record as encouraging mothers to nurse at least one year and as long after as both mother and baby desire. Breastfeeding to 3 and 4 years of age has been common in much of the world until recently, and breastfeeding toddlers is still common in many societies.

Why should breastfeeding continue past six months?

Because mothers and babies often enjoy breastfeeding a lot. Why stop an enjoyable relationship?

But it is said that breastmilk has no value after six months.

Perhaps this is said, but it is wrong. That anyone can say such a thing only shows how ignorant so many people in our society are about breastfeeding. Breastmilk is, after all, milk. Even after six months, it still contains protein, fat, and other nutritionally important and appropriate elements which babies and children need. Breastmilk still contains immunologic factors which help protect the baby. In fact, some immune factors in breastmilk which protect the baby against infection are present in greater amounts in the second year of life than in the first. This is, of course as it should be, since children older than a year are generally exposed to more infection. Breastmilk still contains factors which help the immune system to mature, and which help the brain, gut, and other organs to develop and mature.

It has been well shown that children in daycare who are still breastfeeding have far fewer and less severe infections than the children who are not breastfeeding. The mother thus loses less work time if she continues nursing her baby once she is back at her paid work.

It is interesting that formula company marketing pushes the use of formula (a rather imperfect copy of the real thing) for a year, yet implies that breastmilk (from which the imperfect copy is copied) is only worthwhile for 6 months. Too many health professionals have taken up the refrain.

I have heard that the immunologic factors prevent the baby from developing his own immunity if I breastfeed past six months.

This is untrue; in fact, this is absurd. It is unbelievable how so many people in our society twist around the advantages of breastfeeding and turn them into disadvantages. We give babies immunizations so that they are able to defend themselves against the real infection. Breastmilk also allows the baby to be fight off infections. When the baby fights off these infections, he becomes immune. Naturally.

But I want my baby to become independent.

And breastfeeding makes the toddler dependent? Don't believe it. The child who breastfeeds until he weans himself (usually from 2 to 4 years), is generally more independent, and, perhaps more importantly, more secure in his independence. He has received comfort and security from the breast, until he is ready to make the step himself to stop. And when he makes that step himself, he knows he has achieved something, he knows he has moved ahead. It is a milestone in his life.

Often we push children to become "independent" too quickly. To sleep alone too soon, to wean from the breast too soon, to do without their parents too soon, to do everything too soon. Don't push and the child will become independent soon enough. Whatнs the rush? Soon they will be leaving home. You want them to leave home at 14?

Of course, breastfeeding can, in some situations, be used to foster an overdependent relationship. But so can food and toilet training. The problem is not the breastfeeding. This is another issue.

What else?

Possibly the most important aspect of nursing a toddler is not the nutritional or immunologic benefits, important as they are. I believe the most important aspect of nursing a toddler is the special relationship between child and mother. Breastfeeding is a life affirming act of love. This continues when the baby becomes a toddler. Anyone without prejudices, who has ever observed an older baby or toddler nursing can testify that there is something almost magical, something special, something far beyond food going on. A nursing toddler will sometimes spontaneously break into laughter for no obvious reason. His delight in the breast goes far beyond a source of food. And if the mother allows herself, breastfeeding becomes a source of delight for her as well, far beyond the pleasure of providing food. Of course, itнs not always great, but what is? But when it is, it makes it all so worthwhile.

And if the child does become ill or does get hurt (and they do as they meet other children and become more daring), what easier way to comfort the child than breastfeeding? I remember nights in the emergency department when mothers would walk their ill, non nursing babies or toddlers up and down the halls trying, often unsuccessfully, to console them, while the nursing mothers were sitting quietly with their comforted, if not necessarily happy, babies at the breast. The mother comforts the sick child with breastfeeding, and the child comforts the mother by breastfeeding.

And also the following link: Extended Breastfeeding

And also this gem from Amalah: "Anonymity! Breeding cowardly jackassery since...oh, probably the beginning of time."

After sitting on this for a couple of days, I think I am ready to hit the publish button.



Today Kai zipped his sweater entirely on his own. This was spectacularly exciting for both of us.

First tomato.

And it was delicious.

Day at the beach.

Last week Thursday we packed up some bags and a cooler and headed to Point Beach State Forest in Two Rivers. Kai has expressed a lot of interest in beaches (of course...the child we moved away from easy ocean access is enthralled with all things sea) this summer, so we thought he would have a fantastic time there. He really did. It was super fun to play with him there. He had no fear of the icy water of Lake Michigan or of the hundreds of sea gulls hanging around waiting for a picnic scrap. It was a fantastic place for an independent, water obsessed toddler because there was a giant sand bar and the water was never much past his waist. Lots of room to explore. I thought that he would be more interested in building sand castles than he was...I guess the pull of the lake was too strong. Although, he did enjoy watching some older kids and their Dad build a giant moat with a castle in the middle. He didn't want in on the action, though. We were kind of hesitant about going due to the hour plus drive, but the ride was actually really pleasant and I am sure that we will be making more trips there. Actually, I am tempted to move to Two Rivers...I am thinking being near that kind of soothing presence at all times would be pretty fantastic.


Love that he can tell me things like this:

Last night, Kai and I were in the shower and he told me that he wanted me to pick him up. So, I obliged. Then he gave me a big hug and patted my back a little. Then, he gave me a spontaneous kiss and told me, "I miss you!" I asked him when he missed me and he told me when I leave on my bike or in the car. I told him that I miss him too every time I am away. Then he went on to tell me that he would miss me if he went to outer space or if he left on a school bus. I told him that I would miss him very much if he went to outer space or left on a school bus. Then he asked me to spray his hair and our moment was over.


Nana visits!

We were so lucky to have Jake's mom/Kai's Nana, Wendy, to visit for a week. They are just on the way back to the airport now. Jake's Great Grandma Parry had her 90th birthday party this weekend and his sister Kama made it out for the party also.

We had a really low key beginning to the week. We showed Wendy some of the places that we go around our neighborhood a lot. We did some gardening and Wendy gifted us with a new bush for the yard. We spent time on the patio and Kai got some serious play time with his Nana. It was really fantastic to have time to spend with her without a lot of other stuff going on.

Then on Thursday evening, Papa John came into town and Kama and her family arrived. Friday things got busy. The men were of to EAA and I went out to Jake's grandparents' farm to help with party preparations. Saturday we were all up early and off to help get the party set up, then the party, then clean up and then I brought Kai home for early bedtime while Jake spent some time with his family that evening. Yesterday, Sunday, was the La Leche League fundraiser for World Breastfeeding Week and then we went beack out to the farm for a cookout and to spend time together as a family. It was a really busy three days, but so awesome to be able to see everyone and to celebrate a special lady.

We did not take many pictures in the beginning of the week. Too busy having fun, I guess, there are plenty of pictures from the party and yesterday though, enjoy!

Party preparation.

Another fantastic shot from Kai.

Driving Grandpa's truck.
Getting some tiny baby action.

Grandma Parry gets a chance to look over the memory book put
together by her guests.

Birthday Girl before the singing and cake cutting.

Little Miss Leah all ready for bed.

Aunt Cindy demonstrating proper camera use.

Kai serious about the function/dysfunction of Cindy's old camera.

Photo by Kai.

Cousins getting ready to go shopping, purses packed and ready to go!

Great Great Grandma Parry and her littlest grandchildren.